Lacoste X Save Our Species

Lacoste is a brand we all know for its iconic green crocodile logo. However, in an attempt to raise awareness and help save endangered species, they are releasing a range of limited edition polo shirts. In partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Lacoste have released 10 different shirts embroidered with animals who are currently at risk of extinction; all of which have now completely sold out instantly upon launch.


The crocodile leaves its iconic spot

A limited-edition polo collection where threatened species hold the crocodile’s spot.
The number of polos produced for each series corresponds to the remaining population sizes in the wild.
By buying a polo, you participate in helping IUCN and Lacoste in the fight for wildlife conservation worldwide.

Save Our Species | Lacoste


As the world’s biggest animal lover EVER, this is a decision that I feel very passionate about. Where before I had no strong opinion really on Lacoste as a brand, I now hold massive respect towards them. In doing something so small but clever, such as a limited edition logo change, they have managed to capture most definitely my attention. I love it so much!

Only 1,775 polo shirts will be available in total; this is the first time that Lacoste has replaced its signature crocodile icon in its 85-year history. What makes this launch even better, is that the number of shirts produced corresponds with the number of each species left currently in the wild. Where there are only 50 Northern Sportive Lemur’s living in the wild, only 50 polo shirts with this design will be released. Although this is such an amazing move from Lacoste, obviously people will be annoyed by the limited number of shirts released; this highlights just how critically endangered these species actually are.

What I find really exciting about this launch, is the idea that the fashion industry is beginning to expand and work closer with global issues. More than ever, we are seeing the crossover between fashion and world news almost every day. Brands are adapting; moving away from a primary focus on their clothes, and working more towards combatting stereotypes and helping organisations and individuals in modern day society. As such a huge influential industry, the world of fashion is really starting to expand and relate to as many consumers as possible through new and exciting campaigns, launches and events…I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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